Lavender from my garden

Lavender oil can benefit the skin in remedial massage. In terms of mood, those who inhaled lavender oil said they were more relaxed. Research showed that lavender may be actually be able to alter brain waves and reduce stress.
I grow my own lavender in my back garden and in spring I use my distiller to steam the lavender oil from the flowers. I hope you like the lavender fragrance in my clinic when you next have your remedial massage.

My home distiller
New hot stone massage
Now you can request hot stones to be included in your massage. Feel relaxed and extremely comfortable with the stones at 55 degrees. While resting hot stones on your face, neck, back legs or feet I can massage the other end of your body. Hot massage stones can relax sore muscles before I use remedial massage on them. Why not book in for a relaxing hot stone remedial massage!

Massage association
As I am a registered member of the Massage and Myotherapy Australia Association I have to continue educational training each year to keep my registration. At the conference this year we covered the following; Anatomy and pathology of the shoulder complex and chronic pain and massage.
Make sure you feel comfortable with your Therapist when you meet for the first time.
Your Therapist should ask you a series of questions and take notes. Part of this process means signing an 'Informed Consent' form, so you understand what kind of treatment you will receive; this is a legislative requirement. Deep tissue massage is a whole body treatment, remedial massage focuses on parts of the body that requires rehabilitation. Remedial massage first starts with a review of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and posture, however at my clinic we don't just focus on your troubled areas I give you a relaxing massage as well.