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Turramurra Massage


Tip 1

Waiting for your massage appointment?

If you have injured or pulled a muscle, wait for the inflammation to calm down, a heating pack can help soothe muscles and connective tissue while you wait for your next massage Turramurra appointment.

Tip 2

What else can I do to help relieve muscle soreness? try:

  • gentle stretching

  • muscle massage

  • rest

  • heat to help increase blood flow to your muscles

Tip 3

How often should you have a remedial massage?

Generally, I recommend to my clients who don't exercise and stretch everyday to come in for a remedial massage every 4 - 6 weeks. Most health funds will cover this regime during one calendar year.

Tip 4

What's the most important tip for a massage?

I know this is probably straightforward, but always make sure that whoever gives you a massage has a diploma of remedial massage therapy and registered with a health care provider number, why? because an untrained person in a shopping centre can cause more harm than good to your muscles.

Tip 5

Help repair damage

Remedial massage can stimulate the blood supply, make joints more mobile, and help to repair damaged tissues. The therapist will aim to balance the length, tone and tension of muscles and tendons, which restores the correct position of the bones, increases blood flow and helps heal injuries.

Tip 6

How can I quickly get rid of a bruise?

The following treatments can be done at home:

  1. Ice therapy. Apply ice immediately after the injury to reduce blood flow around the area. 

  2. Heat. You can apply heat to boost circulation and increase blood flow. 

  3. Compression. Wrap the bruised area in an elastic bandage. 

  4. Elevation. 

  5. Arnica. 

  6. Vitamin K cream. 

  7. Aloe vera. 

  8. Vitamin C

Tip 7

Help keep COVID19 away!

At my Turramurra massage clinic I have put the following in place: I completed the government COVID-19 training course. This means I am very low risk due to strict sanitisation protocols along with only one customer at a time - no waiting with others ensures your best possible protection. 

Tip 8

Help your muscles keep warn at night

Remember to keep warm at night. If you have sore muscles try wearing a light wool vest to bed.


Tip 9

Only go to a Diploma certified therapist

It doesn't matter if you get a massage at Turramurra or a massage at St. Ives, but it does matter if your therapist is trained and is registered as a health provider. A registered health provider massage therapist must earn so many points each year to keep their training up to date. 

Tip 10

Before you enter the massage clinic...

Remember to use a good hand sanitiser for at least 30 seconds to kill the COVID 19 virus on your hands. Also remember all surfaces can contain the Covid19 virus!

Tip 11

Before you have a massage...

Remember to have a daily schedule of stretching which loosens muscles and make your massage more effective for deep muscle massage. 

Tip 12

During your massage...

You can wear a mask during your remedial massage to further protect yourself from Covid-19.  Remember to wash your mask every night and leave overnight to dry this will help to eliminate germs on the front of your mask.

Tip 13

How often should I get a remedial massage?

Remedial massages are to help stretch and get rid of muscle knots. Most health funds give you 10 subsidised massages. 

Tip 14

Slowing Covid 19 virus starts with you!

One way to slow the spread of viruses, such as coronavirus, is social distancing (also called physical distancing). The more space between you and others, the harder it is for the virus to spread.

Tip 15

Don't wait to book in...

Muscles can tighten up and go into knots if you leave them too long without attention. At the first sign of your muscles going into spasm book in with us before they turn into knots!

Tip 16

On hot nights don't get a chill on your back!

If you go to bed on a hot night with a ceiling fan on you can get sore muscles if the temperature drops in the night. Wear something light so the skin on your back is not exposed.

Tip 17

Continue to practice the key principles

of infection control including hand hygiene, cough etiquette and high cleaning standards after Covid19 has passed.

Tip 18

Stay Hydrated

Most people know that drinking plenty of water after your massage session is very important to reduce the chances of getting sore or post-massage discomfort and to flush out the toxins from your muscles.

Tip 17

Take a close look at your shoes

Take a look at the heals of your shoes. If they have worn to a wedge to either the left or right that means your back could be out of alignment. Go and see a pediatrist before you book your next massage. 

Tip 18

Remedial massages are dehydrating, so it's important to drink several glasses of water afterwards to rehydrate and flush out the metabolic waste in your system.

Tip 19

Experienced therapists will tell you that in this role you never stop learning, never stop challenging beliefs, and never stop trying new things so in your next massage your therapist may try something new.

Tip 20

Check your shoes! Take your favorite shoes off and look at your heals, if they are worn sloping in or out then you need to visit a podiatry clinic as not doing anything about it could put your back and muscles out.  

Tip 21

Covid 19 shots are necessary to stop the spread of the disease. Please don't hesitate in getting your second jab as this will give you the most protection you can get. So before you get your next massage please try to have at least your first jab as this can give you up to 60% protection.

Tip 22

Don't forget HICAPS. Most medical funds pay towards around 10 remedial massages per year. Check with your health fund to see how many subsidized massages you have left this year.

Tip 23

Using a massage gun

The massage gun is meant to be used on muscles, rather than nerves, bones, joints or tendons. While it may seem obvious, experts advise avoiding anywhere you have scabs, wounds, or a recent bone fracture.


Tip 24

Should you rest after a massage?

After a remedial massage, you should try prolonging the feeling of calmness. Rest, read a book, Netflix and chill, do anything that relaxes you physically and mentally. It's best to book a massage for a day when you know you'll be home for a good 4-6 hours.

Tip 25

Don't forget your neck. Most people bend their heads forward when using their phones while texting, this causes strain on your neck muscles so it is important to do some neck stretches, you will find them on youtube.

Tip 26

Full body daily stretching routine

  1. Neck roll. Stand up straight with the feet shoulder-width apart and the arms loose. ...

  2. Shoulder roll. Stand up straight with the arms loose. ...

  3. Behind-head tricep stretch. ...

  4. Standing hip rotation. ...

  5. Standing hamstring stretch. ...

  6. Quadriceps stretch. ...

  7. Ankle roll

Tip 27

To help relieve muscle soreness, try:

  1. Gentle stretching.

  2. Muscle massage.

  3. Rest.

  4. Ice to help reduce inflammation.

  5. Heat to help increase blood flow to your muscles

Tip 28

Sore toes?

The most common causes of toe pain include ingrown toenails, bunions, cuts or scrapes, other injuries, blisters, and corns and calluses. Arthritis (including rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and other types of arthritis) and infections are additional causes of toe pain.

Tip 29

Is it good to massage sore feet?

If your feet are aching after a long day, a foot massage can give you much-needed relief. But it doesn't just feel good. Research shows that it has health benefits, too. Even a brief foot massage can ease stress and perk you up

Tip 30

Movement is the best form of medicine for your body. Try to walk 15 minutes everyday.

Tip 31

Is it OK to workout with sore muscles?

Exercising When Your Body Is Sore
For those trying to get in shape or lose weight through exercise, there's no need to worry. If you're experiencing muscle soreness, you may need only two or three days of rest. Another option is to alternate your workouts to avoid overusing certain muscle groups.

Tip 32

Even though covid 19 is on the way out, still use face masks and hand sanitisers where you can as it still can affect the elderly.

Tip 33

Time to check your chair posture! Most of us slouch in a chair after a while of sitting in the same place. Sit upright to straiten your backbone which will relieve muscle stress.

Tip 34

Talk to your therapist about any injuries. Be clear about the extent of your injuries, how long they have been healing, and what your current pain level is.

Tip 35

Be careful not to stretch cold muscles. Jog on the spot or go for a brisk walk and the heat in your body will warm up your muscles before you do your daily stretches.  

Tip 36

When did you last replace your joggers? Its one thing to need a remedial massage but in some cases muscles can be damaged by worn out joggers.

Tip 37

When you walk notice if you are leaning your head forward, if you are this could cause the muscles in your neck to become inflamed causing neck ache. If it becomes too inflamed a massage may be needed for relief.

Tip 38

Now winter has hit, watch when you go to bed under a warm Doona that your neck does not get cold which can cause stiff muscles. Try a light scarf around your neck to avoid a trip to your massage therapist.

Tip 39

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see that the relationship between sleep and stress runs deep. Try going to bed a half an hour earlier and read something relaxing.

Tip 40

Some people who come for a massage get a blocked nose when they lay front down. If this is you, try a nose spray 30 minutes before your massage.

Tip 41

If you can't book in for your massage strait away, often a long walk will help ease the stiffness in your muscles by your own natural body heat. 

Tip 42

Don’t eat just before a massage session. Let your body digest your meal first.

Tip 43

Decide what type of massage you want before you book. Have a look on the home page for descriptions of each. Swedish massage, the Deep Tissue remedial massage, and Sports massage.

Tip 44

Make sure that your massage therapist is a member of an association. Why is that? Because each year to keep in the association you must earn 20 points from attending further training, this keeps the therapist up to date on the latest techniques.

Tip 45

Cover your neck in winter especially at night in bed when your blanket does not cover your neck. If your neck gets cold during the night wear a light scarf

Tip 46

I am a runner and I know the importance of warm-ups, warm-downs and stretches after you distance run. So that you don't injure your muscles take time for this preventative measure.

Tip 47

  • Be receptive to the massage process as possible.

  • Don't eat one hour before a massage.

  • Be on time.

  • Take off only as much clothing as you are comfortable with.

Tip 48

When you go for a massage ask your therapist what kind of oil they use. Some oils can cause rashes. I only use natural oils not chemical based. 

Tip 49


Add zinc to your diet 
​Zinc is known to boost your immune system and metabolism function. Go get yourself a plate of zinc-rich foods like clams, oysters, shrimp, spinach, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and cashews.

Tip 50

Communicate with your massage therapist, let them know exactly what you want. This will help you get the massage you are expecting and personally need.

Tip 51

Your massage table is adjusted electrically up and down. Most therapists raise the table for your massage. So when you go to get off  table make sure your therapist lowers the table so your feet can be firmly on the ground before you try to stand up.

Tip 52

How do you choose the right therapist? Make Sure They Are Professional

They should be certified and licensed to operate and have lots of massage education

Tip 53

Have you got a rash? Before your massage let your therapist know and they will either wear gloves if deemed necessary or stay away from the rash area.

Tip 54

Prepare for your massage by drinking plenty of water before the appointment to be you are well hydrated, but go to the toilet just before your massage.

Tip 55

Remedial massage can be painful on sore muscles so make sure your therapists also includes Swedish massage in your session as well.

Tip 56

When cold weather hits at night your exposed neck in bed can cause stiff neck muscles. Motor bike shops sell knitted cotton neck warmers.

Tip 57

Make sure when you get a remedial massage that you are not having other elements introduced such as sound gongs which is unproven sound healing and not recognised as having any part of a remedial therapy massage.

Tip 58

A massage uses oil, so when your finished oil can still be on your body so take sweat pants and top to go home in.

Tip 59

Your massage therapist is there for you so don't be scared to let them know what you want and the pressure that you are comfortable with.

Tip 60

When you visit your massage for the very first time there must be forms to fill in that take into account your past medical history so your therapist knows your situation, for example if you have a skin disorder. If there are no forms to fill in go to another registered therapist.

Tip 61

When you have your next massage ask for a heat pack on any area you have pain. This can be put in place while the rest of your body is being worked on.

Tip 62

Remedial or relaxing massage, it's your decision, one is for working on sores areas  and the other for total relaxation. At Madison we can give you both within your one hour so you can finish with relaxation.

Tip 63

Remedial massage can involve some stretching so if you are an older person who bruises easily let your therapist know so they will go lightly on your arms for example.

Tip 64

If you have open or active herpes simplex sores you must tell your massage therapist.

Tip 65

Remember bad posture is the cause of most sore neck problems, so in between massages check your posture!!

Tip 66

If you need to go to a chiropractor for a manipulation first get a massage to loosen up any stiff muscles.

Tip 67

Don't find a cheap massage, cheap and nasty!

Tip 68

Make sure that your remedial massage therapist takes notes describing what was done every time so you can know if you are getting relief on an ongoing basis. 

Tip 69

Most health funds allow you to have an average of one massage per month subsidized, so spread them out over the year and don't leave them all to the last month of the year.

Tip 70

Don't be afraid to ask for your massage therapist certificate if you can't see it hanging on the wall on display. Why? you want to know that they have been trained to Australian standards. 

Tip 71

When you next have a remedial massage remember covid 19 is still around so ask your therapist to wear a mask.

Tip 72

If you suffer from sore mussels maybe you need a magnesium supplement. Speak to your chemist.

Tip 73

Be on time to your next remedial massage appointment other wise it can often throw out your therapists whole day.

Tip 74

Use magnesium supplements for restless legs at night it could help give you a good nights sleep! 

Tip 75

Here is a great tip, when you find a good massage therapist stick to them because they will know your complete history.

Tip 76

Is your old pillow straining your neck? Pillows start to loose their bulk after 6 months which can cause you constant neck pain.

Tip 77

Be up front with your massage therapist on just what you want as many therapists work to their own established routine.

Tip 78

Be hydrated before your next massage, drink plenty of water and take a few grains of 

Celtic salt.

Tip 79

Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible, relax and enjoy the experience.

Tip 80

Before your remedial massage let your therapist know if you have any rashes, cuts or wounds of any sort so your therapist can take precautions,

Tip 81

Before your next massage look up on line the benefits of taking magnesium.

Tip 82

Over summer  a lot of us sleep with airconds on which can stiffen your neck muscles. If this is you it might be time for a neck massage.

Tip 83

Over summer tanning is popular so allow at least 3 days in-between tanning and your next massage. 


Tip 84

Before your next massage try going for a walk to warm up cold muscles

Tip 85

On cold days in winter its ok to keep your socks on during your remedial massage.

Tip 86

When you have a massage, you get covered with oil, ask your therapist to wipe excess oil off your body before you go back to work.

Tip 87 

With your next remedial massag

 resist unloading your life problems onto your therapist.

Tip 88 

With your next visit try a hot stone massage.

Tip 89

If a one hour remedial massage is enough but you want more relaxation try adding an extra half hour of Swedish massage at the end.

Tip 90

If you have booked a one hour massage ask your therapist to use some of the time for a much needed hand massage.

Tip 91

If you want some good advice only use a therapist who is booked up for at least 10 days ahead, that means they are popular.

Tip 92

If you have a health fund you can usually claim up to 10 massages per year at a subsidised amount.

Tip 93

Cold hands warm heart! If your massage therapist suffers from cold hands in winter a simple remedy is to heat up a bean bag in a microwave for a short time and then squeeze your hands into the heat of the bag before starting the massage.

Tip 94

If you are one of many who get heat rashes on your back try using an anti bacteria wash on your back for a couple of nights before your massage.

Tip 95

Cold feet? Ask your massage therapist if it is ok to leave your socks on. 

Tip 96

Privacy. Lyanne uses towels to cover your body to ensure your complete privacy when you are having your massage.

Tip 97

Now winter is here buy a neck warmer this will stop your neck from seising up. Neck warmers on the internet are around $20. 

Tip 98

It's important to stick with one remedial massage therapist because a good therapist will keep notes on you and will build on the foundation of that knowledge for your ongoing treatment.

Tip 99

If you have a problem with say your ankle joint then remedial massage isn't going to fix it. Visit your local GP and maybe a simple cortisone injection could help with your problem.


Be honest with you massage therapist about any previous injuries. Your therapist must get a full overview of your present condition to be able to best help you.


It pays to find a massage therapist that you get along with. There are four main personality types and you will find that personality type that will suite you. So look for someone who you like and your massage will be completely enjoyable!


If you find the massage table too hard on your face, buy one of those neck pillows you use on a plane flight. When you place your face down 

they give you instant comfort! Don't forget to ask your therapist to lower the face part of the table to make up for the extra bulk of your neck pillow.


Make no sexual jokes, for example "this is not a happy ending massage is it?" or make any sexual comments. Keep everything professional.


Don't talk too much! a massage is ment to be relaxing so let your therapist know that you want some time to your own thoughts or that you just want tot relax and enjoy the experience.


Don't use your mobile phone during your appointment. Turn it off and connect with your therapist.


Don't have any alcoholic drinks before your massage.


Don't use your mobile phone it is rude and can break the concentration of your therapist.


Don't be late to your massage, allow time for undressing and bathroom. If you are running late please expect your late time to come off your massage time not the rest of the days bookings.


Don't forget to use up all your health fund Hi caps funded massages! 


If you must cancel your next remedial massage don't do it at the last minute because it makes it hard to rebook that time with someone else at such short notice.


Lyanne uses Pure nature Natural massage oil both edible and water dispersible. The natural oil is not a petrol industry based oil.


If you have shingles you must let your remedial massage therapist know because they are not allowed to rub over the affected areas as it could make you more enflamed.   


If you are a tradie and sweat it out all day you are going to have strong body odour. If this is you, arrange a more suitable time outside your end of day time schedule for you next remedial massage. 


What is special about Celtic salt? it has trace elements aside from sodium, like magnesium which is great for your muscles. It reduces muscle cramps and facilitates an optimal pH in your cells.


To get the smoothest massage, think about getting an exfoliation especially on your back.


Nails, if your remedial massage therapist has long fashion nails then a lot of the time they will not be using their fingers properly. A good therapist will have short clean nails.


Look for signs of grime in the clinic you have chosen, a clean salon usually means cleanliness is a top priority for them.


All jokes aside! Keep your jokes to yourself. When you start saying jokes it doesn't take long for them to deteriorate to a low level. Your massage should all ways be a place of high professional standards.


Lyanne has the qualification of Remedial Massage Therapy. This qualification reflects the role of a therapists who works with clients presenting with soft tissue dysfunction, musculoskeletal imbalance or restriction in range of motion.


Know this, if a remedial massage therapist is free straight away they probably aren't very good however, if it takes you two weeks to get a booking that usually means they are good at what they do. 


Trust is so important when having someone give you a remedial massage so it is vital that your therapist has the right credentials. So make sure they have a diploma of remedial massage from a TAFE or a reputable college and that they are registered with a massage association.


Are you over weight? If so remember that most electric massage tables only take up to 120 Kg. Some older style wooden tables can take above 100kg. So let your therapist know before your booking.


Are you about to run out of massages on your health card? if so you have to use them by end of year, however all the booking are full, so book ahead a couple of month to make sure you get in.


While having your remedial massage become informed as to which muscle groups you find that you are having problems with. So if you are away on holidays you can inform your holiday therapist.


It's the start of a new year. If you are in a health fund you get about 10 massages per year, so book in ahead so you don't waste them! 


Your therapist is not a skin specialist, however she can see your back when massaging you and could suggest you to go and see a skin specialist if she notices a change of the appearance of a mole on your back that you can't normally see.


When you visit shopping centre massage therapists, not all will keep client files.

Lyanne always updates my client file which gives a progression of my remedial work.  


Sleep! A good nights sleep is one of the best therapies for your sore muscles. If you keep on cutting corners with your natural 7 hours sleep per night you can start to develop a sore neck from being over tired and sleeping in the one position all night.


It's ok to say to your massage therapist that you don't want to talk. Just let your therapist know that you just want to relax and enjoy and think about nothing!


If you are over 65 years old your skin can be much thiner than say when you were in your 40's. Make sure your remedial massage is equal in pressure to the state of your skin otherwise you could get bruising.

Please note:

The tips above are not medical advice. Before trying any tips for yourself seek medical advice from your doctor or your specialist.

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